Being Human has the bold ambition to transform and redeem our common moral culture. We are inviting deep dives into the challenges of diversity, inclusion and belonging as an opportunity to elevate our public life, advance our collective commitments to justice, and cultivate the best of the human spirit. Being Human enters this space to help us answer the question “What’s to be done?” One part live & local events, another part immersive learning, Being Human is a public platform that asks the most pressing questions about the human condition: Who are we, and what ought we to do? What does the Golden Rule look and feel like in real life? Why love in the face of hate? Why does race matter? How can we be good and evil? Why forgive, and how?
Our Host
Scholar, public intellectual, and educator, Dr. David Kyuman Kim is Host of Being Human, a new public platform that asks the most pressing moral questions about the human condition. Recently, he served as the Executive Director of the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity at Stanford University, where he revitalized the Center’s Research Institute, led the Mellon Arts Fellows Program, advised on the implementation of University’s new Institute on Race, and drove initiatives on technology, AI, and racial equity with Stanford's Institute for Human Centered AI. For nearly twenty years, Dr. Kim was Professor of Religious Studies and American Studies at Connecticut College, where he founded the first center on race and ethnicity at a liberal arts college. An acclaimed public intellectual, Dr. Kim has held appointments at Brown University, the University of Pennsylvania, the Graduate Theological Union, UC Berkeley School of Law, the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), and Stanford. At the SSRC, he served as a Senior Advisor and Editor-at-Large of The Immanent Frame, the SSRC’s online platform on secularism, religion and public life. Author of Melancholic Freedom: Agency and the Spirit of Politics (Oxford 2007; paperback 2008) and co-editor of The Postsecular in Question and Race, Religion, and Late Democracy, he is widely published in the fields of religious studies, Asian American studies, political theory, and race and democracy. Dr. Kim’s work on love and justice has been featured by Ellen McGirt in Fortune magazine and on numerous podcasts. Maria Shriver named him an “architect of change”, and Cornel West calls him “the leading philosopher of religion and culture of his generation.” Dr. Kim’s writing has appeared in The New York Times, Los Angeles Review of Books, Truthout, and The Immanent Frame. He is Founder & Principal of Human Basics, a multimedia production and consulting company that advises organizations and businesses to clarify and align values and principles with purpose, practice, and impact. A food and wine enthusiast and classically-trained musician, he lives in Oakland, CA.
Contact Us
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Reach us at about@beinghuman.day